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PAPERBACK  |  288 Pages  |  List Price: $24.95  Your Price Today: FREE! (+$5.95 S&H)
Since the first century, Christians have detected "seeds of the Word" in the surrounding culture. No matter how charred or distorted the fragments, we can always uncover inklings of the Gospel, which can then lead people to God. Through this evocative collection of essays, Bishop Robert Barron finds those "seeds" in today's most popular films, books, and current events. This book will train you to see.
Since the first century, Christians have detected "seeds of the Word" in the surrounding culture. No matter how charred or distorted the fragments, we can always uncover inklings of the Gospel, which can then lead people to God. Through this evocative collection of essays, Bishop Robert Barron finds those "seeds" in today's most popular films, books, and current events. This book will train you to see.
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About The Author...
Bishop Robert Barron
Bishop Robert Barron is the founder of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries and Bishop of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. He is also the host of CATHOLICISM, a groundbreaking, award-winning documentary about the Catholic Faith, which aired on public television.

Bishop Barron is a #1 Amazon bestselling author and has published numerous books, essays, and articles on theology and the spiritual life. He is a religion correspondent for NBC and has also appeared on FOX News, CNN, and EWTN.

Bishop Barron's pioneering work in evangelizing through the new media led Francis Cardinal George to describe him as “one of the Church's best messengers."
Praise for Seeds of the Word: Finding God in the Culture...

"Bishop Robert Barron's magnificent CATHOLICISM DVD series showed how the beauty of the Catholic Faith can deepen our understanding and draw us even closer to Christ. In addition to being a great teacher of the Catholic Faith, Bishop Barron is also one of the best at finding the connection between twenty-first century culture and the timeless teachings of Catholicism. Whether it is the many movie reviews he offers on his YouTube channel or the essays that follow in this book, Bishop Barron has a wonderful ability to identify the ways that the message of Christ is present in places we might not always expect."

—His Eminence, Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York, and author of Called To Be Holy

"This book is for those who sometimes find it hard to see light in a culture that fosters darkness. When we are constantly made aware of the worst of human behavior and wonder where God can be found, Bishop Barron discloses the best of the human spirit in many things we may overlook. What Bishop Barron so forcefully reveals is how looking at something or someone from the perspective of what God would have us see, illuminates the good and brings light to the human experience. The book contains many examples of finding God in the midst of our world. Those who read "Seeds of the Word" will find clear, concise examples that will resonate with them, helping them to find light in the circumstances of their lives."

—L.H., 5-Star Amazon Book Review

"A real eye-opener. Of late, never thought movies were of much moral value.....mostly because of content. Some months ago, I viewed Bishop Barron's review of the movie Cinderella on his Word on Fire site, and I can see the points he makes in reference to the Gospels. I would definitely recommend reading this book."

—C.M., 5-Star Amazon Book Review

"Bishop Barron is my go-to modern evangelist. Please make sure his books are always available for everyone. There is a hunger for faithful materials and the Bishop surely is one of the true sources who can feed the flock."

—A.M., 5-Star Amazon Book Review

"Bishop Barron is a great writer and he doesn't disappoint with this book. He shows how Jesus is present in short treatises on film, books, politics and culture. I never made the connection to Jesus' representation in the above topics until reading Bishop Barron's words."

—Zeke, 5-Star Amazon Book Review
Here's What's Included:
FOREWORD (Timothy Cardinal Dolan)

PREFACE (Bishop Robert Barron)

IMAGO DEI: God In Film (pp. 1-88)

TAKE AND READ: God In Books (pp. 89-134)

CITY ON A HILL: God In Politics (pp. 135-170)

RAYS OF TRUTH: God In The Culture (pp. 171-275)